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  EMBUTIDOS LALINENSE S.A.T. is a family-owned company that was created in 1949, with the goal of elaborating cold meats of high quality keeping in line with the traditions of the Deza Region.

Besides elaborating cold meats, we have recently expanded our activity to other fields. Thus, we also operate our own pig slaughterhouse, cutting rooms and cold storing facilities in order to offer our customers a wide range of first quality products derived from pork.

Our most important aim is to offer our customers products of the highest quality, therefore we monitor the whole processing procedure from the beginning, by selecting the animals to be slaughtered, to the end, carrying out all the quality controls required throughout all stages of the manufacturing process.
The modern nature of our facilities is combined with the traditional elaboration process of our cold cuts, characterized by the use of hand-tying and oak-wood smoking methods.

All in all, this is what makes us feel proud about offering our customers the best products, as a result of the perfect combination of tradition and modernity.

© Embutidos Lalinense, SL     •    Agruchave, 16 · 36500 LALÍN Galicia (España)     •    T. 986 780 257 - 986 787 171 - F. 986 783 859     •
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